Hair Transplantation: Bergmann Kord’s Medical Team
Hair transplantation, at Bergmann Kord, is a painless and safe medical practice.
Despite the procedure being one of mild gravity, it demands special skills and a highly developed aesthetic perception by the doctor, for an aesthetically perfect result to be accomplished.
Each medical team is comprised of the hair transplant doctor and:
* 2 assistant doctors
* Anesthesiologist
* 4 – Member, specialized medical staff.
A Hair Transplantation is successful, as long as, it reproduces the exact way hair grows naturally.
The clinic’s doctors and medical staff, due to their deep specialization and experience, are absolutely capable of providing complete, natural results to any person interested.
Hair Transplantation should be absolutely undetectable, and at the same time, have a completely detectable and beneficial impact; in all aspects of the individuals’ life.
Hair transplantation – Facilities
Bergmann Kord is one of the top hair clinics worldwide and all hair transplantations are performed at privately-owned clinics.
All the clinics are modern and specially designed, using innovative and up-to-date technology.
The strictest protocols of hygiene and safety are fully abided by the clinic’s scientific and medical staff.
Hair transplantation – Duration of the procedure
FUE Hair Transplantation (Follicular Unit Extraction) is the most advanced implantation method, applied by Bergmann Kord with excellent results.
The duration of the procedure is determined by the needs of the concerned and the number of hair follicles to be transplanted.
* It lasts between 4 – 7 hours
* Performed using local anesthesia, always under the direct observation of an anesthesiologist.
* There is the capability of full communication with the medical team, during the procedure.
* The person can also watch TV, listen to music or simply relax.
Growth of new hair
After the FUE implantation, new hair will start growing progressively.
The first signs of growth will appear in 3 months.
Complete results will be visible in approximately 10 to 12 months after the transplant.
Every day treatment of the transplanted hair
Due to the innovative FUE method the only care needed after the transplant, is during hair-washing and only in the first postoperative days, as any special attention is not demanded afterwards.
The transplanted hair originates from the individual’s donor area; therefore are capable and available to any kind of coiffure technique and do not need any special care, as there will not be any different from the pre-existing hair.
Return to usual activities
As each case is unique, the time to return to the individual’s daily activities should always be arranged under the doctor’s consultation.
The return to daily activities depends on the type of Hair Transplant technique performed and the recovery ability of each organism.
However, a little attention is required, only, during the first postoperative days. In most cases, the concerned returns to work on the day following the procedure.
Postoperative care by Bergmann Kord
Bergmann Kord‘s experienced doctors and medical staff remain at the disposal of any concerned.
The clinic offers, all the verbal and written, necessary postoperative guidance.
Moreover, there is the capability of 24h medical care.
For the individual concerned a personal medical record is created, in order to, closely monitor each case.
Bergmann Kord provides full postoperative hair care, completely free of charge.
More about Bergmann Kord
Online Diagnosis
Fill in this
Remote Diagnosis Form.
Collect information about your hair loss case. Confirm that you are a suitable Hair Transplant candidate.
Simply and in the comfort of your own space.
In any case, we will be glad to see you.