F U E - R I S U L T A T IQuando il tuo "prima di" lo stato dà valore al tuo "dopo"...
Galleria FUE # 41001TL
I take great care of myself, so I was worried about seeing my hair dilute day by day.
I couldn’t wait, I had to find a solution right away.
I asked friends and colleagues where to go and everyone mentioned the name Bergmann Kord.
However, I did my own research to make sure. Of course I ended up with Bergmann Kord too.
Febbraio 2016I booked the appointment immediately. The people at the Clinic won me over with the clear answers to my questions and concerns. For me, money was not the primary issue. First of all I wanted the best result, which was of course permanent. I knew immediately that I would achieve it, especially before the surgery, where I saw professionals working in a unique way with me.
Ottobre 2016Today my problem belongs in the past and I am moving forward with optimism and strength in my life. I thank Vardi Kordera and the scientific staff at the Clinic for what they did for me. Most importantly, I know that whenever I need them they are here for me.
Per un CONTATTO DIRETTO telefonare al numero (+30) 210 - 68 28 888
Per un CONTATTO DIRETTO telefonare al numero (+30) 210 - 68 28 888
Maggiori informazioni su Bergmann Kord
Online Diagnosis
Fill in this
Remote Diagnosis Form.
Collect information about your hair loss case. Confirm that you are a suitable Hair Transplant candidate.
Simply and in the comfort of your own space.
In any case, we will be glad to see you.